Wednesday, August 18, 2010

and so it continues.......

Eight weeks in to the new life.  Mornings are becoming a nicer part of the day than they used to be.  We don't rush so much, although I think the kids like to see me getting to stay home when they go to school!  I have taken to cooking eggs for their breakfast some days.....this seems to be popular!

My daughter has had a rough trot lately - broke her hand, caught speeding in her car, and yesterday had braces put on her teeth and is in paaaaaain today.  Watching the ups and downs of being 17 reminds me of my teenage years.  I am very glad they are over.

I am watching way too much foxtel and need to get off the couch and go have a shower......

Have a good one,

Kez x

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mid life New life - What is happening to me?


One month and one week ago I quit my corporate job in administration. Yay!! or WTF??

I gave up my $80k a year career to come home and be a full time Mum again to my family and to help my stress-head husband run our home improvement business. 

This little adventure is already doing my head in, so I thought I would start a blog to journal the ups and downs of this change of life at 44 years of age.

I can't be the only one in the world who has done this? LOL.

Kez xx